
IBE® Certified Stories > Jasmin Stepanek

Jasmin Stepanek


Platform artist

How IBE® Will Change Your Career

Getting certified in IBE has so many benefits to both you as a stylist and to your clientele. We all get into this industry because we love making people feel good about themselves and IBE takes that to another level. For you as a stylist it will give you more freedom by shortening your hours behind the chair without taking a pay decrease!

How IBE® Helped My Clients

My guests have never been happier! They have more confidence in themselves, their styles last longer, they can create more styles than ever before! They go longer between shampoos and they are just so grateful and appreciative of us as their stylist!

My IBE® Mentor Experience

Having a mentor was EVERYTHING! Someone to connect with to ask any question along the way. They were there from beginning to end with knowledge and encouragement. This is unlike any other certification that I’ve been though and it was so beneficial in so many ways, which is why IBE is the only method I do!